  1. 0
2024-07-26 05:45.06: New job: Build Dockerfile using linux-arm64 in
                                [ (20c355a31849801eafe5e36d9c43c3aa01f9a25b)]
2024-07-26 05:45.06: Using cache hint ""
2024-07-26 05:45.06: Waiting for resource in pool OCluster
2024-07-26 05:45.06: Waiting for worker…
2024-07-26 05:45.06: Got resource from pool OCluster
Building on
Submodule path 'ocaml-dockerfile': checked out '8961432d1d3b2fb5541f5bb16bfad7d35574b8b7'
Submodule path 'ocaml-version': checked out 'b80aad5425c7dd6f1e6f8925f5719c72f8b8f7fa'
Submodule path 'ocluster': checked out '912ecfd38f003c6f537abca7e5313973b15ba615'
Submodule path 'ocurrent': checked out 'e43b6c5c896a4cc5ca5c1d0cfbf10a6401fbcd47'
HEAD is now at dccbcdf Revert to 97d42b7
Synchronizing submodule url for 'ocaml-dockerfile'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'ocaml-version'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'ocluster'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'ocurrent'
Cleared directory 'ocaml-dockerfile'
Submodule 'ocaml-dockerfile' ( unregistered for path 'ocaml-dockerfile'
Cleared directory 'ocaml-version'
Submodule 'ocaml-version' ( unregistered for path 'ocaml-version'
Cleared directory 'ocluster'
Submodule 'ocluster' ( unregistered for path 'ocluster'
Cleared directory 'ocurrent'
Submodule 'ocurrent' ( unregistered for path 'ocurrent'
HEAD is now at 20c355a Add Apache 2.0 LICENSE
warning: Could not unset core.worktree setting in submodule 'ocaml-dockerfile'
Cleared directory 'ocaml-dockerfile'
warning: Could not unset core.worktree setting in submodule 'ocaml-version'
Cleared directory 'ocaml-version'
warning: Could not unset core.worktree setting in submodule 'ocluster'
Cleared directory 'ocluster'
warning: Could not unset core.worktree setting in submodule 'ocurrent'
Cleared directory 'ocurrent'
Submodule 'ocaml-dockerfile' ( registered for path 'ocaml-dockerfile'
Submodule 'ocaml-version' ( registered for path 'ocaml-version'
Submodule 'ocluster' ( registered for path 'ocluster'
Submodule 'ocurrent' ( registered for path 'ocurrent'
Submodule path 'ocaml-dockerfile': checked out '8961432d1d3b2fb5541f5bb16bfad7d35574b8b7'
Submodule path 'ocaml-version': checked out 'b80aad5425c7dd6f1e6f8925f5719c72f8b8f7fa'
Submodule path 'ocluster': checked out '912ecfd38f003c6f537abca7e5313973b15ba615'
Submodule path 'ocluster/obuilder': checked out '2d0af3df9d934c936736986e827e9d1f5b94aed9'
Submodule path 'ocurrent': checked out 'e43b6c5c896a4cc5ca5c1d0cfbf10a6401fbcd47'
Sending build context to Docker daemon  2.619MB

Step 1/21 : FROM ocaml/opam:debian-12-ocaml-4.14@sha256:06d58a5cb1ab7875e8d94848102be43f6492e95320e8e9a9ecb9167654d0ee3f AS build Pulling from ocaml/opam
Digest: sha256:06d58a5cb1ab7875e8d94848102be43f6492e95320e8e9a9ecb9167654d0ee3f
Status: Image is up to date for ocaml/opam:debian-12-ocaml-4.14@sha256:06d58a5cb1ab7875e8d94848102be43f6492e95320e8e9a9ecb9167654d0ee3f
 ---> a2247c3866a4
Step 2/21 : RUN sudo ln -f /usr/bin/opam-2.1 /usr/bin/opam && opam init --reinit -ni
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 53529fc2c60c
Step 3/21 : RUN sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libev-dev capnproto graphviz m4 pkg-config libsqlite3-dev libgmp-dev libffi-dev -y --no-install-recommends
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 189da028a13b
Step 4/21 : RUN cd ~/opam-repository && git fetch origin master && git reset --hard 6d3d7021d944058cc7531905e065fe2cd72f01e8 && opam update
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 4ef980ef18e9
Step 5/21 : COPY --chown=opam 	ocurrent/current_docker.opam 	ocurrent/current_github.opam 	ocurrent/current_git.opam 	ocurrent/current.opam 	ocurrent/current_rpc.opam 	ocurrent/current_slack.opam 	ocurrent/current_web.opam 	/src/ocurrent/
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 7e19904b04b0
Step 6/21 : WORKDIR /src
 ---> Using cache
 ---> a0d90070f9f9
Step 7/21 : RUN opam pin add -yn "./ocurrent" &&     opam pin add -yn "./ocurrent" &&     opam pin add -yn "./ocurrent" &&     opam pin add -yn "./ocurrent" &&     opam pin add -yn "./ocurrent" &&     opam pin add -yn "./ocurrent" &&     opam pin add -yn "./ocurrent"
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 04d61739264b
Step 8/21 : COPY --chown=opam opam-repo-ci-service.opam opam-repo-ci-api.opam /src/
 ---> bb7502f9a823
Step 9/21 : RUN opam install -y --deps-only .
 ---> Running in 4ed1970b18ec
The following actions will be performed:
  - install num                   1.5
  - install cmdliner              1.2.0
  - install ocamlfind             1.9.6
  - install conf-libev            4-12
  - install conf-pkg-config       3
  - install ocamlbuild            0.14.3
  - install seq                   base
  - install conf-capnproto        2
  - install conf-git              1.1
  - install conf-gmp              4
  - install dune                  3.13.0
  - install conf-which            1
  - install base-bytes            base
  - install conf-sqlite3          1
  - install conf-libffi           2.0.0
  - install topkg                 1.0.7
  - install zarith                1.13
  - install conf-gmp-powm-sec     3
  - install swhid_core            0.1
  - install stringext             1.6.0
  - install stdlib-shims          0.3.0
  - install stdint                0.7.2
  - install spdx_licenses         1.2.0
  - install sexplib0              v0.16.0
  - install routes                2.0.0
  - install result                1.5
  - install res                   5.0.1
  - install re                    1.11.0
  - install ppx_derivers          1.2.1
  - install pecu                  0.6
  - install optint                0.3.0
  - install opam-file-format      2.1.6
  - install ocaml-version         3.6.4
  - install ocaml-syntax-shims    1.0.0
  - install ocaml-compiler-libs   v0.12.4
  - install mula                  0.1.2
  - install mirage-clock          4.2.0
  - install menhirSdk             20231231
  - install menhirLib             20231231
  - install menhirCST             20231231
  - install memtrace              0.2.3
  - install magic-mime            1.3.1
  - install macaddr               5.5.0
  - install lwt-dllist            1.0.1
  - install gmap                  0.3.0
  - install easy-format           1.3.4
  - install duration              0.2.1
  - install domain-name           0.4.0
  - install current_incr          0.6.1
  - install csexp                 1.5.2
  - install cppo                  1.6.9
  - install camlp-streams         5.0.1
  - install bigarray-overlap      0.2.1
  - install bigarray-compat       1.1.0
  - install base64                3.5.1
  - install conf-graphviz         0.1
  - install csv                   2.4
  - install uutf                  1.0.3
  - install rresult               0.7.0
  - install ptime                 1.1.0
  - install mtime                 2.0.0
  - install fmt                   0.9.0
  - install astring               0.8.5
  - install asetmap               0.8.1
  - install sha                   1.15.4
  - install ocamlgraph            2.1.0
  - install integers              0.7.0
  - install parsexp               v0.16.0
  - install ppxlib                0.31.0
  - install menhir                20231231
  - install ipaddr                5.5.0
  - install dune-configurator     3.13.0
  - install yojson                2.1.2
  - install ocplib-endian         1.2
  - install biniou                1.2.2
  - install tyxml                 4.6.0
  - install jsonm                 1.0.2
  - install crunch                3.3.1
  - install ke                    0.6
  - install cstruct               6.2.0
  - install fpath                 0.7.3
  - install sexplib               v0.16.0
  - install ppx_deriving          5.2.1
  - install sqlite3               5.1.0
  - install extunix               0.4.1
  - install ctypes                0.21.1
  - install bigstringaf           0.9.1
  - install base                  v0.16.3
  - install atd                   2.15.0
  - install lwt                   5.7.0
  - install atdgen-runtime        2.15.0
  - install ansi                  0.7.0
  - install opam-core             2.2.0~beta1
  - install hex                   1.5.0
  - install eqaf                  0.9
  - install asn1-combinators      0.2.6
  - install ppx_deriving_yojson   3.7.0
  - install ctypes-foreign        0.21.1
  - install prettym               0.0.3
  - install angstrom              0.16.0
  - install stdio                 v0.16.0
  - install ppx_sexp_conv         v0.16.0
  - install prometheus            1.2
  - install mirage-kv             6.1.1
  - install mirage-flow           3.0.0
  - install logs                  0.7.0
  - install inotify               2.5
  - install cstruct-lwt           6.2.0
  - install atdgen                2.15.0
  - install opam-format           2.2.0~beta1
  - install mirage-crypto         0.11.2
  - install cf                    0.5.0
  - install uri                   4.4.0
  - install unstrctrd             0.3
  - install capnp                 3.6.0
  - install obuilder-spec         0.5.1
  - install ipaddr-sexp           5.5.0
  - install dockerfile            8.2.1
  - install capnp-rpc             1.2.3
  - install bos                   0.2.1
  - install github-data           4.4.1
  - install opam-repository       2.2.0~beta1
  - install pbkdf                 1.2.0
  - install mirage-crypto-rng     0.11.2
  - install hkdf                  1.0.4
  - install fsevents              0.3.0
  - install cf-lwt                0.5.0
  - install uri-sexp              4.4.0
  - install multipart_form        0.5.0
  - install conduit               6.2.1
  - install dockerfile-opam       8.2.1
  - install capnp-rpc-lwt         1.2.3
  - install current               dev*
  - install opam-state            2.2.0~beta1
  - install session               0.5.0
  - install mirage-crypto-rng-lwt 0.11.2
  - install mirage-crypto-pk      0.11.2
  - install mirage-crypto-ec      0.11.2
  - install fsevents-lwt          0.3.0
  - install cohttp                5.3.1
  - install multipart_form-lwt    0.5.0
  - install conduit-lwt           6.2.1
  - install current_rpc           dev*
  - install x509                  0.16.5
  - install irmin-watcher         0.5.0
  - install session-cohttp        0.5.0
  - install cohttp-lwt            5.3.0
  - install tls                   0.17.3
  - install ca-certs              0.2.3
  - install current_git           dev*
  - install session-cohttp-lwt    0.5.0
  - install github                4.4.1
  - install tls-mirage            0.17.3
  - install tls-lwt               0.17.3
  - install current_docker        dev*
  - install capnp-rpc-net         1.2.3
  - install conduit-lwt-unix      6.2.1
  - install capnp-rpc-unix        1.2.3
  - install cohttp-lwt-unix       5.3.0
  - install prometheus-app        1.2
  - install github-unix           4.4.1
  - install current_web           dev*
  - install current_github        dev*
===== 163 to install =====

The following system packages will first need to be installed:

<><> Handling external dependencies <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
Let opam run your package manager to install the required system packages?
(answer 'n' for other options) [Y/n] y
+ /usr/bin/sudo "apt-get" "install" "-qq" "-yy" "libcapnp-dev"
- debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed
- Selecting previously unselected package libcapnp-dev:arm64.
- (Reading database ... 
(Reading database ... 5%
(Reading database ... 10%
(Reading database ... 15%
(Reading database ... 20%
(Reading database ... 25%
(Reading database ... 30%
(Reading database ... 35%
(Reading database ... 40%
(Reading database ... 45%
(Reading database ... 50%
(Reading database ... 55%
(Reading database ... 60%
(Reading database ... 65%
(Reading database ... 70%
(Reading database ... 75%
(Reading database ... 80%
(Reading database ... 85%
(Reading database ... 90%
(Reading database ... 95%
(Reading database ... 100%
(Reading database ... 18913 files and directories currently installed.)
- Preparing to unpack .../libcapnp-dev_0.7.0-7_arm64.deb ...
- Unpacking libcapnp-dev:arm64 (0.7.0-7) ...
- Setting up libcapnp-dev:arm64 (0.7.0-7) ...

<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
-> retrieved asetmap.0.8.1  (
-> retrieved angstrom.0.16.0  (
-> retrieved astring.0.8.5  (
-> retrieved ansi.0.7.0  (
-> retrieved asn1-combinators.0.2.6  (
-> retrieved atdgen.2.15.0  (
-> retrieved atd.2.15.0  (
-> retrieved atdgen-runtime.2.15.0  (
-> retrieved base.v0.16.3  (
-> retrieved base64.3.5.1  (
-> retrieved bigarray-compat.1.1.0  (
-> retrieved bigarray-overlap.0.2.1  (
-> retrieved bigstringaf.0.9.1  (
-> retrieved bos.0.2.1  (
-> retrieved biniou.1.2.2  (
-> retrieved camlp-streams.5.0.1  (
-> retrieved ca-certs.0.2.3  (
-> retrieved capnp.3.6.0  (
-> retrieved capnp-rpc.1.2.3  (
-> retrieved capnp-rpc-lwt.1.2.3  (
-> retrieved capnp-rpc-net.1.2.3  (cached)
-> retrieved capnp-rpc-unix.1.2.3  (cached)
-> retrieved cmdliner.1.2.0  (
-> retrieved cf.0.5.0  (
-> retrieved cf-lwt.0.5.0  (
-> retrieved cohttp.5.3.1  (
-> retrieved cohttp-lwt-unix.5.3.0  (
-> retrieved cohttp-lwt.5.3.0  (
-> retrieved conduit.6.2.1  (
-> installed conf-capnproto.2
-> installed conf-git.1.1
-> installed conf-pkg-config.3
-> installed conf-which.1
-> installed conf-libffi.2.0.0
-> installed conf-sqlite3.1
-> installed conf-graphviz.0.1
-> installed conf-gmp.4
-> installed conf-gmp-powm-sec.3
-> installed conf-libev.4-12
-> retrieved conduit-lwt-unix.6.2.1  (
-> retrieved conduit-lwt.6.2.1  (
-> retrieved cppo.1.6.9  (
-> retrieved crunch.3.3.1  (
-> retrieved csexp.1.5.2  (
-> retrieved cstruct.6.2.0  (
-> retrieved cstruct-lwt.6.2.0  (
-> retrieved csv.2.4  (
-> retrieved ctypes.0.21.1  (
-> retrieved ctypes-foreign.0.21.1  (
-> installed cmdliner.1.2.0
-> retrieved  (file:///src/ocurrent)
-> retrieved  (file:///src/ocurrent)
-> retrieved  (file:///src/ocurrent)
-> retrieved  (file:///src/ocurrent)
-> retrieved  (file:///src/ocurrent)
-> retrieved  (file:///src/ocurrent)
-> retrieved dockerfile.8.2.1  (
-> retrieved current_incr.0.6.1  (
-> retrieved dockerfile-opam.8.2.1  (
-> retrieved domain-name.0.4.0  (
-> retrieved duration.0.2.1  (
-> retrieved dune-configurator.3.13.0  (
-> retrieved dune.3.13.0  (
-> retrieved easy-format.1.3.4  (
-> retrieved eqaf.0.9  (
-> retrieved fmt.0.9.0  (
-> retrieved fpath.0.7.3  (
-> retrieved extunix.0.4.1  (
-> retrieved fsevents-lwt.0.3.0  (
-> retrieved fsevents.0.3.0  (
-> retrieved github.4.4.1  (
-> retrieved github-data.4.4.1  (
-> retrieved github-unix.4.4.1  (
-> retrieved gmap.0.3.0  (
-> retrieved hex.1.5.0  (
-> retrieved hkdf.1.0.4  (
-> retrieved inotify.2.5  (
-> retrieved integers.0.7.0  (
-> retrieved ipaddr.5.5.0  (
-> retrieved ipaddr-sexp.5.5.0  (
-> retrieved jsonm.1.0.2  (
-> retrieved logs.0.7.0  (
-> retrieved irmin-watcher.0.5.0  (
-> retrieved ke.0.6  (
-> retrieved macaddr.5.5.0  (cached)
-> retrieved lwt.5.7.0  (
-> retrieved lwt-dllist.1.0.1  (
-> retrieved memtrace.0.2.3  (
-> retrieved magic-mime.1.3.1  (
-> retrieved menhir.20231231  (
-> retrieved menhirSdk.20231231  (cached)
-> retrieved menhirCST.20231231  (
-> retrieved menhirLib.20231231  (
-> retrieved mirage-clock.4.2.0  (
-> retrieved mirage-crypto.0.11.2  (
-> retrieved mirage-crypto-ec.0.11.2  (
-> retrieved mirage-crypto-rng.0.11.2  (cached)
-> retrieved mirage-crypto-rng-lwt.0.11.2  (cached)
-> retrieved mirage-crypto-pk.0.11.2  (
-> retrieved mtime.2.0.0  (
-> retrieved mirage-flow.3.0.0  (
-> retrieved mirage-kv.6.1.1  (
-> retrieved mula.0.1.2  (
-> retrieved multipart_form.0.5.0  (
-> retrieved multipart_form-lwt.0.5.0  (
-> retrieved num.1.5  (
-> retrieved ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.12.4  (
-> retrieved obuilder-spec.0.5.1  (
-> retrieved ocaml-syntax-shims.1.0.0  (
-> retrieved ocamlfind.1.9.6  (
-> retrieved ocamlbuild.0.14.3  (
-> retrieved ocaml-version.3.6.4  (
-> installed num.1.5
-> retrieved ocplib-endian.1.2  (
-> retrieved ocamlgraph.2.1.0  (
-> retrieved opam-core.2.2.0~beta1  (
-> retrieved opam-repository.2.2.0~beta1  (cached)
-> retrieved opam-file-format.2.1.6  (
-> retrieved opam-state.2.2.0~beta1  (cached)
-> retrieved opam-format.2.2.0~beta1  (
-> retrieved optint.0.3.0  (
-> retrieved parsexp.v0.16.0  (
-> retrieved pbkdf.1.2.0  (
-> retrieved ppx_derivers.1.2.1  (
-> retrieved pecu.0.6  (
-> retrieved ppx_deriving.5.2.1  (
-> retrieved ppx_sexp_conv.v0.16.0  (
-> retrieved ppx_deriving_yojson.3.7.0  (
-> installed ocamlfind.1.9.6
-> installed base-bytes.base
-> retrieved ppxlib.0.31.0  (
-> retrieved prettym.0.0.3  (
-> retrieved ptime.1.1.0  (
-> retrieved prometheus.1.2  (
-> retrieved prometheus-app.1.2  (
-> retrieved re.1.11.0  (
-> retrieved res.5.0.1  (
-> retrieved rresult.0.7.0  (
-> installed seq.base
-> retrieved result.1.5  (
-> retrieved routes.2.0.0  (
-> retrieved session.0.5.0  (
-> retrieved session-cohttp.0.5.0  (
-> retrieved session-cohttp-lwt.0.5.0  (
-> retrieved sexplib0.v0.16.0  (
-> retrieved sexplib.v0.16.0  (
-> retrieved sha.1.15.4  (
-> installed ocamlbuild.0.14.3
-> retrieved spdx_licenses.1.2.0  (
-> retrieved sqlite3.5.1.0  (
-> retrieved stdio.v0.16.0  (
-> retrieved stdint.0.7.2  (
-> retrieved stringext.1.6.0  (
-> retrieved stdlib-shims.0.3.0  (
-> retrieved swhid_core.0.1  (
-> retrieved tls-lwt.0.17.3  (
-> retrieved tls.0.17.3  (
-> retrieved tls-mirage.0.17.3  (
-> retrieved topkg.1.0.7  (
-> retrieved tyxml.4.6.0  (
-> retrieved unstrctrd.0.3  (
-> retrieved uri.4.4.0  (
-> retrieved uutf.1.0.3  (
-> retrieved uri-sexp.4.4.0  (
-> retrieved x509.0.16.5  (
-> retrieved yojson.2.1.2  (
-> retrieved zarith.1.13  (
-> installed dune.3.13.0
-> installed bigarray-compat.1.1.0
-> installed duration.0.2.1
-> installed lwt-dllist.1.0.1
-> installed csexp.1.5.2
-> installed base64.3.5.1
-> installed bigarray-overlap.0.2.1
-> installed camlp-streams.5.0.1
-> installed current_incr.0.6.1
-> installed domain-name.0.4.0
-> installed easy-format.1.3.4
-> installed gmap.0.3.0
-> installed macaddr.5.5.0
-> installed menhirCST.20231231
-> installed menhirSdk.20231231
-> installed mirage-clock.4.2.0
-> installed mula.0.1.2
-> installed ocaml-version.3.6.4
-> installed csv.2.4
-> installed optint.0.3.0
-> installed pecu.0.6
-> installed ppx_derivers.1.2.1
-> installed result.1.5
-> installed opam-file-format.2.1.6
-> installed res.5.0.1
-> installed menhirLib.20231231
-> installed memtrace.0.2.3
-> installed magic-mime.1.3.1
-> installed sexplib0.v0.16.0
-> installed spdx_licenses.1.2.0
-> installed stdint.0.7.2
-> installed stdlib-shims.0.3.0
-> installed stringext.1.6.0
-> installed swhid_core.0.1
-> installed routes.2.0.0
-> installed re.1.11.0
-> installed cppo.1.6.9
-> installed ocaml-syntax-shims.1.0.0
-> installed ipaddr.5.5.0
-> installed ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.12.4
-> installed biniou.1.2.2
-> installed integers.0.7.0
-> installed ocplib-endian.1.2
-> installed sha.1.15.4
-> installed zarith.1.13
-> installed topkg.1.0.7
-> installed yojson.2.1.2
-> installed parsexp.v0.16.0
-> installed asetmap.0.8.1
-> installed rresult.0.7.0
-> installed atdgen-runtime.2.15.0
-> installed dune-configurator.3.13.0
-> installed ocamlgraph.2.1.0
-> installed uutf.1.0.3
-> installed sexplib.v0.16.0
-> installed fmt.0.9.0
-> installed mtime.2.0.0
-> installed ptime.1.1.0
-> installed bigstringaf.0.9.1
-> installed astring.0.8.5
-> installed ke.0.6
-> installed cstruct.6.2.0
-> installed angstrom.0.16.0
-> installed sqlite3.5.1.0
-> installed crunch.3.3.1
-> installed hex.1.5.0
-> installed jsonm.1.0.2
-> installed prettym.0.0.3
-> installed fpath.0.7.3
-> installed unstrctrd.0.3
-> installed eqaf.0.9
-> installed asn1-combinators.0.2.6
-> installed uri.4.4.0
-> installed mirage-crypto.0.11.2
-> installed lwt.5.7.0
-> installed hkdf.1.0.4
-> installed pbkdf.1.2.0
-> installed mirage-flow.3.0.0
-> installed cstruct-lwt.6.2.0
-> installed mirage-kv.6.1.1
-> installed inotify.2.5
-> installed prometheus.1.2
-> installed tyxml.4.6.0
-> installed ansi.0.7.0
-> installed logs.0.7.0
-> installed mirage-crypto-rng.0.11.2
-> installed ctypes.0.21.1
-> installed multipart_form.0.5.0
-> installed mirage-crypto-rng-lwt.0.11.2
-> installed session.0.5.0
-> installed multipart_form-lwt.0.5.0
-> installed mirage-crypto-pk.0.11.2
-> installed capnp-rpc.1.2.3
-> installed base.v0.16.3
-> installed opam-core.2.2.0~beta1
-> installed stdio.v0.16.0
-> installed bos.0.2.1
-> installed ctypes-foreign.0.21.1
-> installed cf.0.5.0
-> installed fsevents.0.3.0
-> installed cf-lwt.0.5.0
-> installed fsevents-lwt.0.3.0
-> installed irmin-watcher.0.5.0
-> installed mirage-crypto-ec.0.11.2
-> installed menhir.20231231
-> installed opam-format.2.2.0~beta1
-> installed x509.0.16.5
-> installed capnp.3.6.0
-> installed ca-certs.0.2.3
-> installed ppxlib.0.31.0
-> installed atd.2.15.0
-> installed tls.0.17.3
-> installed tls-mirage.0.17.3
-> installed tls-lwt.0.17.3
-> installed atdgen.2.15.0
-> installed capnp-rpc-lwt.1.2.3
-> installed
-> installed opam-repository.2.2.0~beta1
-> installed capnp-rpc-net.1.2.3
-> installed ppx_sexp_conv.v0.16.0
-> installed ppx_deriving.5.2.1
-> installed
-> installed uri-sexp.4.4.0
-> installed ipaddr-sexp.5.5.0
-> installed dockerfile.8.2.1
-> installed obuilder-spec.0.5.1
-> installed ppx_deriving_yojson.3.7.0
-> installed
-> installed
-> installed conduit.6.2.1
-> installed extunix.0.4.1
-> installed cohttp.5.3.1
-> installed dockerfile-opam.8.2.1
-> installed github-data.4.4.1
-> installed session-cohttp.0.5.0
-> installed capnp-rpc-unix.1.2.3
-> installed opam-state.2.2.0~beta1
-> installed conduit-lwt.6.2.1
-> installed cohttp-lwt.5.3.0
-> installed session-cohttp-lwt.0.5.0
-> installed conduit-lwt-unix.6.2.1
-> installed github.4.4.1
-> installed cohttp-lwt-unix.5.3.0
-> installed prometheus-app.1.2
-> installed
-> installed github-unix.4.4.1
-> installed
# Run eval $(opam env) to update the current shell environment
Removing intermediate container 4ed1970b18ec
 ---> 2428ad48e227
Step 10/21 : ADD --chown=opam . .
 ---> c76e18552959
Step 11/21 : RUN opam exec -- dune build ./_build/install/default/bin/opam-repo-ci-service
 ---> Running in ed456580b65a
schema.capnp --> schema.mli
kj/filesystem-disk-unix.c++:1681: warning: PWD environment variable doesn't match current directory; pwd = /src
schema.capnp --> schema.mli
ocurrent.capnp --> ocurrent.mli
kj/filesystem-disk-unix.c++:1681: warning: PWD environment variable doesn't match current directory; pwd = /src
schema.capnp --> schema.mli
kj/filesystem-disk-unix.c++:1681: warning: PWD environment variable doesn't match current directory; pwd = /src
Removing intermediate container ed456580b65a
 ---> 947aaddfc612
Step 12/21 : FROM debian:12
12: Pulling from library/debian
Digest: sha256:45f2e735295654f13e3be10da2a6892c708f71a71be845818f6058982761a6d3
Status: Image is up to date for debian:12
 ---> 425f8e4e2ae1
Step 13/21 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install libev4 openssh-client curl gnupg2 dumb-init git graphviz libsqlite3-dev ca-certificates netbase gzip bzip2 xz-utils unzip tar -y --no-install-recommends
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 783e8dc5a2ab
Step 14/21 : RUN curl -fsSL | apt-key add -
 ---> Using cache
 ---> ca4c8ba484a1
Step 15/21 : RUN echo 'deb bookworm stable' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 90bfec834a92
Step 16/21 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install docker-ce -y --no-install-recommends
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 083e92f4c7ac
Step 17/21 : RUN git config --global "ocaml" && git config --global "ci"
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 4a0dfb3428d2
Step 18/21 : WORKDIR /var/lib/ocurrent
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 94396d7eb1c6
Step 19/21 : ENTRYPOINT ["dumb-init", "/usr/local/bin/opam-repo-ci-service"]
 ---> Using cache
 ---> dc667d37d4b6
Step 20/21 : ENV OCAMLRUNPARAM=a=2
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 6a48bec0df24
Step 21/21 : COPY --from=build /src/_build/install/default/bin/opam-repo-ci-service /usr/local/bin/
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 49535353f527
Successfully built 49535353f527
Job succeeded
2024-07-26 05:47.06: Job succeeded